Actually, it's been days since the wedding but we're keeping the site up for posterity. Some wedding photos are here:

Yes, this is the official wedding site of Stephen D. Chappell and Kathie L. Chan. These young lovers will tie the knot legally on November 5, 2005, and this website will tell you everything you need to know, if you're interested.

Steve and Kathie


People planning to attend the wedding should be seated in the Ballroom of The Mansion by 6:00 p.m. on November 5, 2005. People planning to attend the reception after the wedding should be hanging around the Reception Area of the mansion after the wedding.


The webmaster says any copyright or proprietary infringement is unintentional and is due to his inability to ascertain a legal owner or agent for authorization or attribution despite reasonable and diligent efforts to ascertain same. Sounds like a lawyer, doesn't he? He says to simply email him and he will accommodate any legitimate requests for removal or attribution. This website was created in 2005 and some links to outside resources may no longer work. Website design standards, technologies, and devices have evolved a lot since 2005. The site was updated in 2017 to accommodate different screen sizes, but website technologies continue to change and may affect the site's performance.