His name was likely handwritten on the manifest and later "Ezra" was misread as "Ergd" when records were digitized.

Built by A/G Vulcan Shipyard, Stettin, Germany, for North German Lloyd, German flag, in 1897 and named Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse. It was 14,439 gross tons; 655 (bp) feet long; 66 feet wide and powered by Steam Triple Expansion engines, twin screw, straight stem, two masts and four funnels. Service speed was 22 knots. It carried 1,970 passengers (558 first class, 338 second class, 1074 third class) and provided Bremerhaven-New York service. It was heralded as the world‘s large liner 1897-99 and world‘s fastest liner 1897-1900. It was scuttled in Spanish West Africa to avoid capture by the British in 1914.
This information was found at the Ellis Island website.