No Stinking Badges
We got no stinking badges, but we got a stinking air conditioner. Turned it on first time this season and the house immediately filled with odor similar to combination of sewer gas and men’s locker room. :yuck: Turned it off, of course, and opened up the windows to air out the place. Got a service person out the next morning. Without actually taking anything apart to see, he diagnosed some sort of mildew-fungus growth in the coils, and said the only practical cure is to run the A/C and let the condensation on the coils wash the crud off. Also suggested spraying Lysol into the air intake. So, been running the A/C while away at work, and spraying in Lysol. Seems to be slowly getting better. Haven’t tried it today – weather cooled somewhat and we actually needed the furnace. I assume furnace air passes over the same coils, but apparently hot dry air doesn’t pick up the stink. Seems counter-intuitive that mildew-fungus would grow on something with hot dry air blowing on it all winter, but the service guy swears it happens. For want of any more intuitive explanation I’m left having to accept his assessment. It’s apparently a few hundred dollars of labor to get at the coils and remove them; trying to wash them in place would drench the motor and possibly ruin it; apparently costly to remove the motor and get it out of the way. Well, we’ll see where things stand whenever we next run the A/C. I may yet cut an opening in the coil chamber and try something more direct than relying on the cleansing power of condensation.
kathie says:
Eeeew mildew. Yucky.
John says:
It’s now running without noticeable odor of either mildew/fungus or Lysol. Was it a coincidence Becky got strep throat a couple days after we started the A/C? Probably. She found out this weekend that two co-workers had strep throats before hers, but they didn’t stay home from work.
kathie says:
Mildew doesn’t usually manifest itself in strep infections; more often in sinus and breathing problems. But I hope Becky is better at any rate. And you are hopefully managing to stay healthy…
John says:
She got over the strep but still has a bad sore throat, taking more drugs for that. I seem to have avoided the strep, but “healthy” is an adjective I probably wouldn’t use. I could say my health is normal, for me.