It’s June 22. No, wait! Oh my god, it’s July 22! Cripes. I was looking forward to watching the Indy 500. Er, one moment, please. Hmm. I think I did watch the Indy 500. I mean, the one for the year 2006. Last May, wasn’t it? The thing is, I feel un-synced. Would people know to pronounce that un-sinked? Maybe I should say “un-synchronized”. I’m just totally amazed about the way things I was looking forward to are history. Like, I must have been thinking about something else when they happened. Actually, that could be it with regard to the Indy 500. I probably had the laptop on my lap, either doing something for work or something for some website. But, still. Take Steve and Kathie’s wedding. I’m sure I didn’t have a computer on my lap then. But, it seems like it was a couple of months ago. I was thinking about Christmas, staying part of the time at Steve and Kathie’s and part of the time at Kim’s, and had to remind myself this wasn’t last Christmas, but the one before that! There’s no doubt in my mind that the time continuum has, indeed, shrunk. I used to think this was a function of just getting older; however, I’ve discussed it with younger people and they’ve noticed it, too. I’ve decided that this is a consequence of the slowing down of the expansion of the universe. At the point when it actually reaches complete expansion, people will notice that everything happens in an instant. I’m not sure what the effect will be when the universe then starts collapsing, whether we’ll run into ourselves on the way back, or if people will start noticing that time seems to slow down the older they get. I think probably the latter. :scratchin:
Can You Believe…
July 22, 2006
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It’s June 22. No, wait! Oh my god, it’s July 22! Cripes. I was looking forward to watching the Indy 500. Er, one moment, please. Hmm. I think I did watch the Indy 500. I mean, the one for the year 2006. Last May, wasn’t it? The thing is, I feel un-synced. Would people know to pronounce that un-sinked? Maybe I should say “un-synchronized”. I’m just totally amazed about the way things I was looking forward to are history. Like, I must have been thinking about something else when they happened. Actually, that could be it with regard to the Indy 500. I probably had the laptop on my lap, either doing something for work or something for some website. But, still. Take Steve and Kathie’s wedding. I’m sure I didn’t have a computer on my lap then. But, it seems like it was a couple of months ago. I was thinking about Christmas, staying part of the time at Steve and Kathie’s and part of the time at Kim’s, and had to remind myself this wasn’t last Christmas, but the one before that! There’s no doubt in my mind that the time continuum has, indeed, shrunk. I used to think this was a function of just getting older; however, I’ve discussed it with younger people and they’ve noticed it, too. I’ve decided that this is a consequence of the slowing down of the expansion of the universe. At the point when it actually reaches complete expansion, people will notice that everything happens in an instant. I’m not sure what the effect will be when the universe then starts collapsing, whether we’ll run into ourselves on the way back, or if people will start noticing that time seems to slow down the older they get. I think probably the latter. :scratchin: