Spring Critters

Along with spring comes spring critters. What I wanna know is, with springtime outside, how come they wanna come inside? The other morning there was a bit of commotion downstairs, Becky went to investigate. I was asleep at the time, or I would’ve investigated, of course. I think I woke up as she was coming back upstairs to report a bird in the fireplace. Now, this used to be a routine occurrence in the old days, one that Stephen and I fixed by wrapping wire screening around the top of the chimney (yeah, up on the roof) so the critters couldn’t get in. Apparently, they’ve recently succeeded in building a nest and, in the process, wedging an opening through which determined aviaries are capable of gaining entry to their tomb below. Yes, aviaries, plural. On investigating the fluttering creature, I observed a couple others definitely not fluttering. Well, to make half a long story shorter, I captured the live bird and set him/her free outdoors; and scooped up the two dead ones which were given ignominious burials in the trash can, wrapped together in a plastic trash bag.

And then the invasion of the ants. Couple days later they’re swarming all over the kitchen counter and, I think, there ain’t much Becky hates worse than ants in her kitchen, except maybe mice in her walls. So, laid a bunch of ant killer around the outside of the house, and Becky’s been fighting a fierce battle inside that’s finally yielding results. :shootem:

So, how come the ant war is Becky’s responsibility, you ask? Hey, I take on the pterodactyls in the fireplace! :bond:

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