It’s Almost Thanksgiving ?!!
ALMOST Thanksgiving? Might as well BE Thanksgiving. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the universe is undergoing time compression at an accelerated rate. Sure, it’s slow enough you don’t notice it from day to day. It’s like your kids growing up. They look the same today as they did yesterday, but suddenly you realize they’re a whole lot different from a year ago. You have be like grandparents to experience the shock effect of the difference between grandchildren today and the last time you saw them. “Oh, my! How you’ve grown!”
Anyway, there’s no dispute about Fall (Autumn) being here, as far as I can tell. Here in the Midwest it’s relatively mild. Last weekend was like late Spring, temperature in 70’s. This past week I think I recall temps in the low 40’s around sunup. Oh, that doesn’t look right. Is it sun-up? I’m sure it’s sundown, not sun-down. Can’t possibly be sunnup. Let’s call it dawn.
I just finished upgrading all the blogs (Attorney, Chappells, BlackStar, Bandolero) to latest WordPress version. The HarpShot blog is automatically updated since it’s a WordPress account blog. Bandolero’s Blog was down all day due to some problem at the host (DreamHost). Later tonight the database is supposed to get consolidated onto the same database server as other databases associated with other websites I have on DreamHost. I posted a new article on Bandolero’s Blog, as well as adding Chapter 2 to the Bandolero Memoirs. I fired off emails to all the porn sites that idiot opened accounts on with my bandolero gmail address. They haven’t had any effect yet.
KU Football has turned into a bust. Fortunately, KU Basketball looks like the real deal. First time in a long time I haven’t felt like their initial ranking (#1) was a tad (or more) higher than reality.
I did some searching on CraigsList and other things for potential California employers. I guess the next thing to do would be actually contacting some of them. In fact, I should be writing letters instead of blogging, eh?
Jeff says:
So, about that list of California employers? Haven’t heard about that lately. PS: Sometimes when I wonder why I don’t live in California (yet), I remember that it’s because of a government job–Gahan’s. Yes, I live here because of the US government. Makes sense, it’s the nation’s capital. Then sometimes I wonder why I want to live in California. Part of it is residual homesickness from having left home at the age of 15. I keep trying to make up for that by getting back to where the Chappells are. Also, Circle Drive was where I was happy and I want to connect with happiness. And then there’s the piece of this where Dad told me when I was maybe 6 or 7 years old (and he used to make trips to San Francisco and come back saying it was his favorite city; on this occasion I was lying in bed and he came to say goodnight, putting his big hand on my little chest) that we were going to move to California some day. To that part of my mind, ‘moving to California’ equals getting to the place you like the best, like a dream come true. And then there’s the fact that it’s so damn great out there.