New Lows
Now that it’s officially summer we’ve been having record low temperatures for several days. I think they’re talking about it finally getting into the 80’s later in the week. Let’s see, yeah, should be able to arrange for stupid hot by around July 9. Heh-heh!
Listening to my favorite radio station on the way to work the other day. The hosts are some guy and girl and they talk sex a lot. The guy has no hesitation, for example, describing in detail what sort of nipples he likes. :nuts:
Anyhow, they were talking about some performer and he referred to her as stupid hot. And then I realized that in today’s lingo, apparently, “stupid” means “extremely”. So I finally understood “stupid hot” as applied to Kansas weather. Y’know, even when you’re inherently hip, it’s difficult for old folks to keep up with everything!
p>. :propeller:
Kathie says:
Glad to know you don’t think my opinion of the weather insinuates intelligence of temperature. Looking forward to melting!
John says:
Good lord! Somebody is actually reading this stuff?
Anyhow, no, I never thought it connoted temperature IQ, but I was thinking of something like hot enough to make a person do stupid things, like actually living in a place with temperatures like that. 🙂
kimberly says:
yup, well i’m stupid bored.
i can’t wait to drown in the humidity, i just hope the doggie can keep up with me!
philana stearne says:
Hello Mr C. My name is Philana and I work with Kim. Just wanted to let you know your Website is Stupid Hot, and I enjoyed reading about your family.
You Rock!
Robert Hanrott says:
Well in london it’s been stupid cold, and I insinuate that it will stay real cool.
John says:
Hey, thanks, Philana!
And, nice of you to stop by, Robert! For any family members or others who happen by, Robert is an acquaintance of Jeffrey’s, and I’ve been helping him with a website. It’s not “live” yet, and several pages are not up, but progress can be monitored at . We’d welcome any comments or suggestions — just send ’em to me.