I spent much of Saturday (after mowing the yard) moving Chappells.biz from a subdirectory on my website to its own web host account at Affordable Host. This opens up new possibilities, some of which I’ll send an email about. I also did some updating on Jeffrey’s website. I also finished up some more pages for the Hanrott & Horsley website. Finally, I juggled some stuff around on Kimberly’s website, in connection with moving the Chappells.biz site onto Affordable Host, as her website had to be moved to the new server. The most challenging part was re-creating the blog on the new server.
p>. :drool:
New Web Host for Chappells
August 1, 2004
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I spent much of Saturday (after mowing the yard) moving Chappells.biz from a subdirectory on my website to its own web host account at Affordable Host. This opens up new possibilities, some of which I’ll send an email about. I also did some updating on Jeffrey’s website. I also finished up some more pages for the Hanrott & Horsley website. Finally, I juggled some stuff around on Kimberly’s website, in connection with moving the Chappells.biz site onto Affordable Host, as her website had to be moved to the new server. The most challenging part was re-creating the blog on the new server.
p>. :drool: