Starsky & Hutch
We had a little wine with our anniversary dinner (mmm, steak!) at J. B. Stout’s. The plan had been to see I, Robot afterwards, but we were running a little late, so we went to Hastings instead to grab some DVD’s. Ahem. So, last night for anniversary entertainment we watched Along Came Polly. Not exactly academy award material. And tonight we watched Starsky & Hutch. It’s unanimous. We both unequivocally recommend that everyone bypass this movie entirely; unless for the purpose of screening nominations for worst movie ever made. I can’t say it’s the worst, though. There was one a while back, I remember, that we actually yanked out of the player after about 10 minutes. I don’t remember what it was. This one, however, we only fast-forwarded so as to reduce the length of torture. Wanna know the third one we rented? League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It didn’t seem like that much wine!
kathie says:
Look out Roeper and Ebert…here comes Chappell and Chappell! I have not yet seen the I,Robot flick, but I’m jazzed to see it. Everything but that naked Will Smith part. I still want to see Dodgeball too, but I am not sure if it’s still out in theaters. It’s a Ben Stiller/Vince Vaughn film, so on the stupid side, but hey. We all need to laugh, right?
Is it football season yet??
John says:
Yes, we do, occasionally.
Yes, Redskins 20 Broncos 17.