Another Weekend at the Old Folks’ Home
Friday night at 11:00 p.m. I checked into LMH South for a sleep study to see if I have sleep apnea or other sleeping disorders. I did one about five years ago and all I got out of it was “snores while sleeping on back”, and I was advised to not sleep that way. Fortunately, that bit of expensive medical expertise was paid for by insurance (as is this one). So after getting me all hooked up he says, “We want you to sleep on your back.” To which I replied, “I don’t think it’s gonna work, because of my neck (degenerative arthritis in a couple of disks up there) and these really bad pillows.” Two hours later he came in and said, “Okay, any position where you can get to sleep will be fine.” By then, my neck was killing me, but I got to sleep and had weird dreams including a slapstick comedy involving hand grenades. When they shooed me out into the morning fog at 6:30 I apparently had not exhibited any obvious apnea.
Saturday I felt like I’d been in a car wreck. Not only was the neck screwed up, but also the rest of the back and hips, as well, from the strange and apparently not very orthopedically friendly bed. Spent most of the day in the recliner watching Olympics next to Becky in her recliner. Her skeleton was having an off day, as well. Listen, kids, getting old sucks big time, even when you’re still “young” (mostly according to people who are older than you are). Somewhere along the afternoon I decided to tackle mowing the yard. Got the front done, and about a fourth of the back before hitting a root and bending the blade; and really really hoping the crank shaft isn’t bent, too. We went out for a Marisco’s Special Nachos (with shrimp and lobster) supper, followed by a nice apple pastry dessert. I guess one nice thing about getting old is that two can share one order of things and still get stuffed. Stopped at HyVee for milk but it was too late to buy a lottery ticket.
Sunday we bundled up sticks and fallen apples in the back yard, and I went over to Sears to pick up a blade for the mower. Luck was with me, as the mower runs smooth as ever with the new blade. Crank shaft OK. Wish I’d have had a lottery ticket.
And that’s about it for the weekend report. I don’t anticipate much else happening, unless we have a wreck on the way to get Sonic burgers for supper. We’ll probably go ahead and splurge and get one each, though, instead of sharing one. Hey, even us oldies gotta go crazy once in a while!
p>. :greenface:
Kathie says:
Sounds like an interesting weekend…sorry you’re out of whack in the back. Have Becky walk on it! Stephen is okay through his spine, but his knee is giving him fits. Just as the soccer season ended, his right knee gave up the ghost. Ortho appointment on the 9th can’t come soon enough. But he was fit enough to jump onto a moving tomato harvester with my dad yesterday and see how the IR eye detects non-reds (greens, sunburned, etc.) tomatoes and dirtclods and flicks them off. He also learned about processing tomato structrual integrity. You can put tons of pressure on those little guys and they don’t really squash. Score one for GMO’s. I took some fun pictures of him on the harvester with Dad, so e-mail him and ask him to send you evidence of his farming experience. Heh heh.
We saw Kimmie on Saturday too. She’s doing well, having fun, ready for a roomie. She was kitten-sitting for a co-worker…cute little bug of a cat named Charlie. Looked more like an Oscar to me, but what the hey. Not my cat. Hope your back is better!
John says:
GMO? Government Money Order? General Maintenance Organization? Genetically Mutated Onion? Good Mountain Odor? Gruesome Man-eating Octopus?
Kathie says:
GMO: Genetically Modified Organism. AKA “Frankenfood”
John says:
I kinda liked Gruesome Man-eating Octopus.