Po Doggie
Doggie seemed to have a little cold when we picked her up from the vet. She really sneezes big for her size; and you can’t help but laugh when she looks at you after. Like she’s saying, “Wow, I don’t know what that was, but, ‘scuse me, okay?” It got worse during the week, coughing and wheezing. It’d wake us up at night. Took her to the vet this afternoon. Of course, she couldn’t come up with so much as a sniffle. He thinks probably bronchitis, but it’s not too severe. He didn’t charge me for the office visit, figuring she probably caught it there over Christmas. Getting the prescription was a hoot.
I’m hearing about 10 foot snow drifts on I-80 up around Tahoe. Nineteen feet of snow since Dec. 28. I reckon our aborted trip would’ve been tame in comparison. Looks like it still hasn’t quit raining down below the snow line, either. Those dikes Doug pointed out on the way to Sacramento may get a good test, after all. I see a flood warning for portions of San Francisco.
The ice has mostly melted from the trees. Driveway is clear where I threw salt on it. The other part is still under ice. A “winter weather advisory” including freezing drizzle is in effect tonight. They’re already cancelling schools in K.C. for tomorrow. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!
kim says:
Poor Cinnamon. I think it’s cute that her middle initial is “k.” And next to the drug amount is “mut.” Nice.
Yup, pretty cold and wet here. It’s deceiving right now though because the sun is shining, it looks gorgeous. But it’s mighty cold for San Francisco with the wind. It’s hard to get a good night’s sleep when the palm tree bangs against the window from the wind so much that it sounds as if someone is breaking in.
Well, there’s good in everything, right? 🙂 All of the snow in Tahoe is great for the snowboarders and the water supply will be replenished from the melting of all 19 feet.
Maybe they’ll close down KU so Mom won’t have to go to work and you can hang out at home with her. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for that.
John says:
Eh, no such luck with KU. Roads weren’t too bad this morning. Drizzled all day with temp below freezing and there were slick places, but nothing like last week. Of course, at the moment I’m at the office. It may be a sheet of ice out there by now and I wouldn’t know. Guess I should venture on out. Gotta get to Topeka in the morning for big case in Court of Appeals.