Anniversary 34
|August 7, 2005 marked 34 years of marriage for Becky and John. It sure doesn’t seem that long, but when I stop and think to myself, “34 years!” it’s kind of mind boggling. I guess it must have been similarly boggling back at 25 years, when I must have stopped and thought to myself, “a quarter of a century!” It occurs to me that next year at 35 years I’ll stop and think, “man, that’s half a lifetime!” I don’t feel old enough to’ve been married for 34 years, and Becky sure doesn’t look old enough to’ve been married that long. |
|We boarded the dog at the vet Saturday and took off to Kansas City. Saw the Willy Wonka remake (I thought it was great) and had a nice dinner at a new Elephant Bar. Spent the night at a Marriott and Sunday did some shopping. Then back to Lawrence and same ‘ol same ‘ol, me at the computer and Becky pushing the vacuum around though I woulda tried to stop her if I’d’ve known she was gonna do that.|
Hey, that camera in the cell phone really works!|
Incidentally, if anybody read this article previously and think it was different from what they’re reading now, it’s because I’m reconstructing it from memory, as it was one of the items lost when the web host server crashed Aug. 14.
Kim says:
Elephant Bar’s great! They got a few of those ’round here. Congratulations on the long and happy marriage. And congratulations on the camera phone…except Mom looks kinda jaundiced. Pretty, but jaundiced. Mmmm, fruity blendy beverage.
Hey if y’all would move in with me Mom could push the vacuum around in an entirely new and exciting environment. Out with the old, in with the new!
John says:
I admit I made some adjustments on the picture, but apparently not enough. It was kinda dark in there, and the flash on a camera phone doesn’t amount to much, though any flash at all is kind of amazing. Anyway, I tried to lighten it up a bit, but maybe I need to adjust for the inside light, too.
Her drink was really good. I had a MaiTai, which was pretty good, too, but hers was really good.
kim says:
Mom’s really pretty.