Another Month Flies By
Just dropped by the ol’ blog and saw another month had flown by. More than a month, actually. Seems like there ought to be a lot to report. There was Mother’s Day. Becky got some cards; took her out for dinner the day before; but I’m afraid it wasn’t especially memorable. I got to use Gmail’s new Instant Messenger feature the Friday before Mother’s Day. I was was writing an email to somebody and a window suddenly popped up saying, “Don’t forget Mother’s Day!” I thought it was a pop-up ad, but after a few moments realized it was an IM from Kathie. So we had a nice little IM chat. Thanks, Kathie!
Becky gave notice at work, June 14 (I think) will be her last day at the KU Bookstore. It’s actually deemed “retirement”. Wow.
I’ve been overwhelmed with work at the office. Well, I mean, legal work, my job work. I’ve taken to doing a lot of it at home. Since I rarely meet with clients at the office, there’s not a compelling reason to go downtown to work, other than to pick up mail. At home, I have windows! Woo-hoo! The overwhelmed part comes from too many clients needing too much stuff all at the same time.
I talked to Marjorie today on the phone, and found out that Floye passed away about a month ago, jusy shy of her 95th birthday. I had posted about her birthday a couple of years ago.
Beautiful weather here this weekend. Couldn’t ask for better. I spent yesterday afternoon mowing and doing some car work, so I got to “enjoy” the weather a bit. Today was mostly inside, working. Becky had to work yesterday and today, on account of commencement at KU.
So, another month came and went since the last post. Wish I could tell you about some memorable thing we’ve done in between, but mostly all I can say is we got by. :shrug:
kathie says:
This month did seem to go by quickly. Steve, Kim, and I all trekked up to the Farm the first weekend in May to celebrate mother’s day/dad’s birthday. Seems like we never slowed down…with Mike Springer’s wedding, Michelle’s Birthday party, and just trying to keep up with the housework, we’ve not had a quiet day this month. I thought the madness was only in March!
Steve has made himself indispensible at work, so he’s pulling some pretty heavy hours, plus bringing stuff home and working until the wee hours of the morning…the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Doesn’t look to slow down either. This weekend is a birthday party, next weekend is Hillary’s graduation in San Luis Obispo, which we’re coupling with a camping trip…then Becky’s retiring and then I have an exam for work that weekend…then Kim’s getting a year older and the 24th is the 3rd annual “No Steve” party…and that’s the entire month of June! Where does time go?
John says:
And on top of all that, this week is so strange. I think of Memorial Day as the end of May, but May keeps dragging on and June doesn’t arrive until practically the end of the week. Was paying bills this morning and wrote June on a couple of checks. The way time’s been flying, why not?
Oh, cool! Kim’s gonna come out for a visit.
WaltDe says:
Very good reading. Peace until next time.
John says:
Thanks for the courteous visit, WaltDe.