Author: John

A Little Snow Goes With the Territory

How Deep Was It?We had a very strange week of weather that finally culminated in a load of snow last Thursday (Feb. 6). Before that, we’d seen a few days of ungodly cold and incalculable wind chills followed by a few days of incredibly warm and springlike temperatures. With the snow, things are more consistent with what one would expect around here this time of year. Today was in the 40’s, which some TV weather people were calling “warm”. Becky went out for a little shopping and said she wouldn’t call it “warm” out there. Getting back to the snow, though, Becky went out that morning and started to shovel the driveway. I wasn’t going to mess with it; I figured I wasn’t going to try to drive anywhere, anyway, so why bother? She cut a path out to the mailbox, and I was about to go join her when she came in and said she paid a kid from up the street to finish. Quite all right with me!

Sort of Like Heaven

January 23, 2008

General, Wisdom

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Outside the wind chill is about ten below zero. But, I’m here in my warm living room watching KU basketball (KU’s up by 22 with 10 minutes left) and eating chili with my sweetie. It’s sort of like heaven.

More Christmas 2007

January 4, 2008


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California SunsetEvery once in a while, you find a spectacular sunset outside of Kansas, like this one near Union City, California on New Year’s Eve. This is one of another set of Christmas photos uploaded to Chappell Famly Picasaweb. This set is actually post-Christmas, but I still call it Christmas, since they’re all part of the same Christmas “vacation”.

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