Author: John

Google Boondoogle

Watch out with Google Gmail. A whole bunch of emails I sent out today haven’t got out. Sometimes, y’know, things sit on a sending server awhile and sometimes they sit on a receiving server at the other end. But, in my case, it’s clearly a Google problem. I have the advantage of several email accounts on several different servers and the ability to test things out pretty well. Also, whenever I send an email from gmail, I send a bcc to myself at a different address. If not for that, I wouldn’t have realized that the emails I sent weren’t going anywhere. A few of them finally got delivered after about six hours. Some are still not delivered after 12 hours. My ticket to Google support got a quick standard automated response, but still no actual response after 8 hours, and counting. Far as I can tell, I seem to be receiving okay.

Yeah, I guess they need to keep the “beta” label a while longer.

Olympics and Time Flies

Watching the Olympics opening ceremonies. Sort of like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, without floats. When I was a kid, and even into my 20’s, it seemed like a long time between Olympics. After 40, it seems like there’s an Olympics every year. That’s how much faster time seems to go by when you get older. Becky and I were discussing that phenomenon the other day. We agreed it must be because as kids, we packed our time with activities, whereas now we spend a lot of it just sitting around. But, that seems backward from the saying “time flies when you’re having fun”. I know I had a lot more fun as a kid. So, I don’t know why time is flying faster these days. Unless, maybe, it just really is. But, getting back to the Olympics, I wish I was listening more closely. The announcers were talking about the country with the only flag that has a front and back, different on each side. But I missed the name of the country. Darn! :confused2: If anybody knows, please share!

Oh, amazing — Bjork debuting her song Oceania! Afterwards, opening remarks by the IOC president in what we’re told are the three official languages of the Olympics: Greek, French and English. How about that?

Starsky & Hutch

We had a little wine with our anniversary dinner (mmm, steak!) at J. B. Stout’s. The plan had been to see I, Robot afterwards, but we were running a little late, so we went to Hastings instead to grab some DVD’s. Ahem. So, last night for anniversary entertainment we watched Along Came Polly. Not exactly academy award material. And tonight we watched Starsky & Hutch. It’s unanimous. We both unequivocally recommend that everyone bypass this movie entirely; unless for the purpose of screening nominations for worst movie ever made. I can’t say it’s the worst, though. There was one a while back, I remember, that we actually yanked out of the player after about 10 minutes. I don’t remember what it was. This one, however, we only fast-forwarded so as to reduce the length of torture. Wanna know the third one we rented? League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It didn’t seem like that much wine!


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