Christmas Past

|Becky and I had a terrific time in sunny rainy California. Got there on Stephen’s birthday, Dec. 23, stayed at his and Kathie’s place a couple days, then Kim’s place, then Kathie’s parents’ place, then a final night at Kim’s before flying home on New Year’s day. A trip to Tahoe was delayed on account of blizzard conditions, resulting in our stay with Doug and Carla, terrific hosts. Stephen and Kathie went ahead to Tahoe on Friday. California was cold and rainy pretty much the whole visit, while Kansas enjoyed balmy 60’s and 70’s. That changed when we got back to Kansas. We now have a winter storm warning, with prediction of an inch of ice overnight Tuesday, to be topped with 4 to 7 inches of snow Wednesday. They figure a few (understatement) trees and power lines will go down. Being armed with my laptop in California, I got started on Stephen and Kathie’s wedding website. You can check its progress at ||

|I decided to buckle (knuckle?) down and put the new brake pads on the Miata this morning. Pulled off the wheel that was making the noise and the pad was nowhere near worn down. Still at least 50% pad left. Truly amazing, these are original pads after 13 years and 75,000 miles. Put the wheel back on and drove to work, with no unusual noises. So, maybe it was some dust, after all. I don’t really think so, but I couldn’t find anything else. |

|After work I picked up Cinnamon at the vet’s where she was boarded during our trip. She was happy to get home, I think. Actually, she zonked out and has been sleeping all evening. She got to give Santa her Christmas list. They got a slightly blurry picture, but it’s still kinda cute. I’ve offloaded the Christgmas pics from camera but haven’t sorted for upload to album yet. Will try to get to that within a few days. ||

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