There are a number of jerks on the internet who live to spam. This is the reason I’ve always had this blog configured so comments would not appear immediately when you write them. It gives me the opportunity to delete the spam before anybody else has to see it. However, comment spammers are using automated systems, like the email spammers, so that the amount of comment spam one needs to delete can get to be quite a bit. For the past several days, a particular spammer has been looking for, and then spamming the hell out of, blogs that use WordPress, which this one does. Consequently, I have disabled comments for the time being. Later, I will re-enable it for recent articles. In the meantime, sorry for the inconvenience. If you want, you can send your comment to me by email, and I’ll add it here. Of course, you can still read any comments that have already been posted. You just can’t add more.
Comment Spam
November 30, 2004
Comments Off on Comment Spam
There are a number of jerks on the internet who live to spam. This is the reason I’ve always had this blog configured so comments would not appear immediately when you write them. It gives me the opportunity to delete the spam before anybody else has to see it. However, comment spammers are using automated systems, like the email spammers, so that the amount of comment spam one needs to delete can get to be quite a bit. For the past several days, a particular spammer has been looking for, and then spamming the hell out of, blogs that use WordPress, which this one does. Consequently, I have disabled comments for the time being. Later, I will re-enable it for recent articles. In the meantime, sorry for the inconvenience. If you want, you can send your comment to me by email, and I’ll add it here. Of course, you can still read any comments that have already been posted. You just can’t add more.