Early Fall Colors
A couple days ago I noticed some interesting (to me, anyway) colors as I looked toward the back yard. You can click on thumbnails below and choose among several sizes to look at, and/or see them in the “Fall Colors 2006” set on Flickr. You might enjoy re-visiting the other pictures in that set; I always do. A couple of them never fail to bring a smile no matter what’s got me down at the moment. You’ll know which ones.
kim says:
I miss seasons. There are a few spots that get the red leaves, but that’s mostly in the central valley. We’re having a heat wave right now, Indian Summer I suppose. The rain will come soon.
John says:
The rain came here today. When I left the office after work this evening, I marvelled how much it felt like Bay Area (particularly Circle Drive in Santa Clara) in December. Something between drizzle and light rain, temperature colder than a sweater but not enough for a heavy coat, smell of wet concrete mixed with some kind of trees or vegetation. I have “body memory” of this from all those Christmases at Santa Clara, and the effect was like being instantly teleported back in time and space. Very nostalgic. San Francisco seems colder than Santa Clara to me; maybe it is!
kim says:
It is colder than Santa Clara. I have lots of great memories from Christmases at Circle Drive. Especially the orange trees. Walking with Grandma on the sidewalks and squishing olives under my feet.
I also remember being put into the olive tree in the front yard, since I was too small to climb it then, or too scared.
Stephen says:
It’s very sad. Don’t know who I told, but I went back & found the house on Circle Drive a few years ago. The olive trees are all gone. 🙁
John says:
Somebody probably decided clean sidewalks were more important than nice trees. Civilization vs. nature – concrete wins.