Georgina Chappell

I received an email from our cousin Adrian Sheppard, who visited the UK last year. While there, he located a document about the history of the Hillesley Baptist Church, with the following entry:

Hillesley Baptist Church 1730-1980, by Kathleen CHAPPELL Page 18. “Three members, Frank Cooper, George Davis and Jesse Chappell, emigrated to America in 1906. George Davis later returned from Missouri, bringing an American wife. Frank Cooper trained for the ministry, achieved his doctorate and was for many years a Baptist minister in Decatur and in Princeton, Illinois. Jesse Chappell also became a Baptist minister but did not keep in contact with this Church, so no details of his ministry are known.”

Adrian was also kind enough to provide a certificate of birth for Jesse’s sister, Georgina. The following links will bring up either a jpg image or pdf file. Note the absence of identification of the father, as was the case with Jesse’s certificate. It indicates the father’s occupation as “domestic servant”, however, this may actually have referred to Charlotte rather than the father. I’ve noticed, however, that the certificate gives Georgina’s date of birth as Jan. 1, 1807, obviously an error. The upper portion of the certificate recites that it’s an 1861 birth which is consistent with information we already had. Note, also, that her birth name is given as Georgina Rose, rather than Sarah. One of Jesse’s brothers, Charles, had children whom he named “Jesse” and “Rose”, apparently naming them after his brother and sister.

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