They predicted we’d get an ice coating on everything at least an inch think, resulting in major disaster. In our general area, however, the temperature somehow stayed one or two degrees higher than predicted. So, what we got was an ice coating that was very pretty but not very disastrous. Down in Oklahoma, on the other hand, the story was quite different; and north and east of us there were a lot of power outages. Today the sun came out and the ice melted off of everything in about an hour. During that window, however, I was driving Becky home after her colonoscopy, and stopped to take some photos. Even as I did, huge chunks of ice were dropping from high limbs and wires. Anybody interested can check out a set of the pics at the famly picasaweb.
Man, it’s almost Christmas!
Iced Kansas
December 13, 2007
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Man, it’s almost Christmas!