Independence Daze
Wow, can anybody (not I!) imagine since the last article, Kim has been here and visited and gone back, has had her birthday and sprained/broke her ankle, Becky has “retired” with a messed up back of her own and got an epidural steroid shot just like Kim (she’s still waiting for the promised improvement but I think she looks better), summer’s arrived along with Superman, and I’m not sure but I’m afraid Jeffrey might’ve been washed out to sea.
Of course, people are already shooting off their stupid firecrackers and (here comes the really sad part) the first thing I thought of was how Cinnamon isn’t here refusing to go outside and pee and running into the bedroom after we’ve gone to bed or walking in circles with her head down trying to find a safe place. How can anybody miss a dog this much?
Supposedly a four day weekend but already today (I mean Saturday) three clients have asked (via email or cell phone) if I’m going to be in the office Monday. Looks like I probably will, since I have another friggin’ brief due on Wednesday.
Well, let’s see, what can I finish up with?
Kathie says:
Well, we all visited the Chan Farm last weekend to celebrate some of the LATER fireworks shows…who puts a holiday on a Tuesday, anyway?? We all marched (and hobbled) up to Herzog Beach for some brisket and corn-on-the-cob as well as some watermelon and beer…along with about 1,500 other people…and enjoyed a nice fireworks show put on by our local pyro, Randy Baranek. Every year they do this, and now they’re sponsored…which means more cops and less people, which we all prefer anyway. Kimmie even got to dance with her boot on! She got some nice shots of the fireworks; hope she sends them to y’all.
In the meantime, Steve and I are continuing to explore rockclimbing and kayaking (planning a trip to Washington this month to kayak around the San Juan Islands), fielding the eternal “You guys having kids yet?” question, working hard, and preparing for the numerous upcoming weddings of our friends…
We hope Jeffrey didn’t wash away…we know Miles is still around; we’ve been playing phone tag…and we know Jessica is alive and well…hmmm, maybe we should take advantage of those great rates from oakland to BWI…
John says:
Ah, well, plenty of time for kids. You \”kids\” need to have your own time with just each other for awhile and, heck, kids aren\’t mandatory by any means. Without \’em, you could probably retire at least ten years sooner and do stuff like, oh, I don\’t know, kayaking and rock climbing. Oh, yeah… well, whatever.
I know Jeffrey didn\’t wash out to sea, as he got in touch about updating his website for upcoming concerts and the launch of the new CD. So everybody should drop by Jeffrey Chappell Pianist and have a look.
We didn\’t take in any fireworks displays except what was on TV and over on the next street where they\’d shoot something into the air once in a while. I pretty much worked the whole so-called four-day weekend. Now, it\’s Kansas summer, meaning the first thing you notice when you go outside is how wet the air is; even without rain. Haven\’t had to mow the yard for three weeks. Got a few weeds knee high, but the grass is dormant. Fine with me!