It’s incredible I haven’t written anything here since Thanksgiving! So much has happened since then. Of course, I became a grandpa on Halloween, with the birth of Isabelle Chappell. Then Becky went out to CA first of December to help out, I went out mid-December, and we came back Jan. 4, 2009. While in CA a lot of good visiting was done with the family, and I must’ve taken at least 500 pictures, none of which I’m posting here, being sensitive to everybody’s privacy concerns. Pictures have been shared on a private basis with notification by emails.
It snowed a couple or more inches last night and has continued snowing today, just stopping a little while ago. Maybe I’ll take a picture or two and add them here later. Usually, it snows on my birthday, which is not until Monday. I don’t think any more snow is predicted after this one.
In one of my blogs, don’t recall whether whether it was this one or my attorney blog or bandolero’s blog or harpshot’s blog, I mentioned the Safari browser for PC. Apple just released Safari Version 4 beta, which I’m using now. It is FAST! I might have to stay with it until Firefox catches up with similar technology to speed it up like this. Safari still doesn’t have a lot of the plug-ins I’ve come to rely on with Firefox for web designing and certain other esoteric endeavors.
So, Spring is just around the corner. Incredible, ain’t it?
It’s 2009 Fer Cryin’ Out Loud
February 28, 2009
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It’s incredible I haven’t written anything here since Thanksgiving! So much has happened since then. Of course, I became a grandpa on Halloween, with the birth of Isabelle Chappell. Then Becky went out to CA first of December to help out, I went out mid-December, and we came back Jan. 4, 2009. While in CA a lot of good visiting was done with the family, and I must’ve taken at least 500 pictures, none of which I’m posting here, being sensitive to everybody’s privacy concerns. Pictures have been shared on a private basis with notification by emails.
It snowed a couple or more inches last night and has continued snowing today, just stopping a little while ago. Maybe I’ll take a picture or two and add them here later. Usually, it snows on my birthday, which is not until Monday. I don’t think any more snow is predicted after this one.
In one of my blogs, don’t recall whether whether it was this one or my attorney blog or bandolero’s blog or harpshot’s blog, I mentioned the Safari browser for PC. Apple just released Safari Version 4 beta, which I’m using now. It is FAST! I might have to stay with it until Firefox catches up with similar technology to speed it up like this. Safari still doesn’t have a lot of the plug-ins I’ve come to rely on with Firefox for web designing and certain other esoteric endeavors.
So, Spring is just around the corner. Incredible, ain’t it?