Just Too Busy!
After a week or so of unseasonably cool and wet weather, we’ve now settled into good old Kansas heat and humidity. Just in time for Stephen and Kathie’s visit.
Haven’t had a chance to read a newspaper, so don’t know of any news to comment about. I guess Kerry got smart and skipped Gephart in favor of Edwards. I could maybe go along with that. Will have to think seriously about George and Dick. After all, it’s not so much the individuals as it is the system they bring to bear, and I have a hard time abandoning the Republican system. On the other hand, as I approach sunset years with no retirement funds, I begin to think that more government entitlements, especially for seniors, would be a good thing. What else in the news? Some 19 year old guy was killed when a train ran over him. He was naked and tied to the tracks with baling wire. The police were investigating it as a “suspicious” death. Yeah, I would think so.
Got the left side of the Miata re-painted, courtesy of Amica insurance and a parking lot vandal who doesn’t like when people have a nice looking car, I guess. The body shop, Auto Accents, here in Lawrence, seems to have done a good job. It’s owned by a relative of Jimmy Vantuyl whom I’ve known since 1970. Jimmy has a used car lot here in Lawrence — Vantuyl Motors. I’ve never actually bought a car from him, though.
Heck, I really wish I had something better to write about. Maybe tomorrow.
p>. :shrug:
Jeff says:
I was just thinking back on a performance by Julie Harris at Hopkins University some years back–you know how stream-of-conciousness can be–of a one-woman show where she impersonated Emily Dickinson. Anyway, at the beginning of Act II, she is reading a newspaper article about a man, whose shoe got caught in the railroad tracks, that was run over by a train. Her annoyed reaction was, “Well, why didn’t he just take off his shoe?” That was the part I was remembering. Probably as you were posting your blog about the guy and the train.
Kathie says:
Woo hoo! Great job getting that “stupid hot” weather just in time for our visit! Stephen and I appreciated your efforts to melt the Californians. It almost worked, but we’ll probably be back soon. Thanks so much for all your hospitatily; Cinnamon was a jewel, Mr. and Mrs. Chappell could not be more gracious hosts, great home-cooking, excellent entertainment and totally Jayhawked accomodations! It’s enough to make me forgive the bad coffee….just kidding! So here’s what I learned about Kansas:
It’s absolutely beautiful. There are softly rolling slopes clad in the greenest grasses or meticulously groomed in neat rows of corn and soybeans, and a bright blue sky that peeks out from behind the haze. The weather is as unpredictable as a high school girl, and as powerful as a titan. I watched two “minor” thunderstorms and was completely at a loss for words. Stephen smiled and patiently waited while I “oohed” and “ahhed” the thunder and lightening, and chuckled as I giggled over the fireflies (lightningbugs). The bugs out there are an entirely different story…they are big and full of attitude. Don’t get in their way. All in all, I had a most agreeable time, and enjoyed many unforgettable firsts (fireflies, thundershowers, MLS, “stupid hot”, the famous Chappell cherry pie, etc.). Next trip…the Ag Hall of Fame. Oh yeah, baby.
John says:
Sorry I didn’t have the newer article up for you to post the comment on. The hospitality was easy since a host couldn’t ask for better guests. I hope you were as comfortable being here as we were having you here.