Oil and Gas Attorney Blog
Phase Two is now in place in the form of the Oil & Gas Attorney Blog. What was Phase One, you ask? Well, until recently, Chappells.Biz was located in a subdirectory of the Oil & Gas Attorney – John Chappell website . So, Phase One was moving Chappells.Biz from the iVersit server that provides web hosting for the John Chappell Attorney website to the AffordableHost server that now provides web hosting for Chappells.Biz (as well as Graphic Design by Kim Chappell). Thusly, the blogspace formerly occupied by the Chappells Blog at JChap.Com became available for occupancy by the Oil & Gas Attorney Blog.
But, why two blogs, you ask? Oh, several reasons. Possibly the most interesting (to webmaster types) is the theory that blogs tend to move up on search results pages. It used to be that the John Chappell Attorney website came up No. 1 if you were searching for “oil and gas attorney”. That changed after November of last year, when a certain search engine changed its search algorithms, and now the site only makes it, on a good day, to about No. 16 or so, which is on the second page of results. The Chappells website (including the blog) was hidden from search engines while occupying a subdirectory of my site, because I felt it was inappropriate to have it indexed by search engines as part of my attorney site. Now, Chappells.Biz stands on its own, and I can go ahead and have the Chappell Lawyer Blog indexed as part of the attorney website. Theoretically, it should pull the whole site up in the search rankings.
Isn’t this all just fascinating? I knew you’d think so! :boggled:
kathie says:
Blog bla bla. Good stuff I guess, but I bet you could make it much more exciting…add espionage stuff and wierd robotic laws. Artificial intelligence never hurts. Then your blog stuff would be super-cool!
John says:
We certainly have the raw materials for all that. Jeffrey travels around the world and you don’t think he does it just to play the piano, do you? It’s a great cover. Stephen’s the robotics expert. And Chappells have plenty of artificial intelligence to draw from.
kathie says:
Excellent. Then the next “blog update” should be thrilling!
John says:
Hah! We’re not about to sell out to the expectations of our readers, letting them dictate what our articles “should” be. (“we” and “our” being in the “royal” form, referring to the blog author, as opposed to all Chappells, btw) The next blog update will be what it is. Expect nothing more.
kathie says:
The only thing better than an expectation set is an expectation met. I EXPECT I’ll bypass the next blog update.
John says:
kathie says:
Aww, did the nasty comment “byte” you? Well, all you have to do is fry that nasty comment-tater up and serve it with some ketchup, and you’ll feel much better I’m sure. (I gotta keep you on your toes!)
John says:
Weird. Very weird. Impressive.
kathie says:
Well, which is it? Wierd or impressive? Perhaps impressively wierd? Or maybe wierdly impressive? Or is it just…Me?
John says:
Um, has Stephen met this person?
kathie says:
Wha?? I was normal before I met Stephen. Now I’m very wierd. And impressive. Hee hee!