Puppy Update
Little change from yesterday, although we’ve brought her upstairs, putting the gate at the top so she won’t try to go downstairs by herself, which certainly wouldn’t work yet. She mostly lies around, but occasionally stands up and gazes, looking lost. She ate some more cheese and crackers, won’t touch her food. Eyes constantly moving back and forth. It’s very sad. But, she responds to attention, and chased a tennis ball earlier, once. Enough petting and she smiles.
And this evening she lit out after a rabbit in the back yard. Like a bullet, she was. I was scared she’d smack into the fence, but the bunny took a quick right and Cinnamon lost track of it. Sheesh. Dumb dawg!
Kathie says:
Depending on what actually caused the CGVS, she may or may not ever regain balance. When it’s caused by pressure from a tumor or other type of growth, the vestibular region never recovers. When it’s a result of say, an inner ear infection, the swelling eventually subsides and they’re normal again. But it sounds like this is not an ear infection if it came on as suddenly as it did and your vet didn’t perscribe antibiotics or ear drops. Sounds more like something internal is putting pressure on the vestibular region. She’ll adjust, just like anyone who has lost an eye or another limb. This just takes some getting used to. She’s smart and has a supportive environment. As long as you keep her familiar routines around (tennis ball, bunnies, biscuits, etc.), she’ll be okay. Keep up the good work!!
John says:
Actually, the vet said there was a slim chance it was a tumor, but her symptoms fit the classic non-tumor syndrome. He said he didn’t see any evidence of infection, and said the classic case also is not infection based, but if she wasn’t significantly improved in a couple weeks bring her back to check for infection again. In the classic case, the cause is apparently unknown, other than there’s a disconnect between the inner ear and vestibular region. I wish she’d eat, though. I even tried grinding up her dog food and she still wouldn’t touch it. But biscuits and cheese and crackers? Scarfs ’em up! We haven’t given her enough of the “goodies” to come anywhere close to filling her up, though, and it’s not like she’s begging for that stuff, either.