S’More Pics
I continue having a little fun, when I can work it in, playing around with internet photo sites like Flickr. It’s kind of cool being able to upload little collections of photos, albums if you will, and invite others to have a look. It’s really easy to upload the pics, and as far as I can tell is easy for others to have a look.
My latest little collection consists mostly of some photos taken at Golden Gate Park not too long ago, that I use for “wallpaper” on my computers. It’s nice using one’s own pictures for this. Kind of personalizes the computer.
So, if anybody wants to have a look, they’re here on my Flickr page, the “Golden Gate Park” set. I recently upgraded to a “pro” Flickr account. Costs something like $30 for a year with unlimited uploads and storage, or something like that. If anybody sees a pic they like, feel free to use it. I cropped these to be on the wide side, on account of one of my monitors being wide screen. Ordinary wallpaper photos left blue columns on right and left of screen.
Kathie says:
Oooooo, pretty pictures.