Third of July

July 3, 2005


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So far I’ve spent two days of the three day weekend futzing around with websites and contracts. A client and I have been trying to put together a contract for a deal he’s working on in Honduras. And the web host for decided to move our files to a different server and they didn’t know what they were doing, apparently, and rendered the Steve and Kathie Wedding Website inoperable. I managed to get things technically cobbled together so people will hopefully get the websites they expect. It was amazing to get responses from tech support that even I could tell were simply incompetent and incorrect. How are you supposed to deal with that? It’s like Average Citizen trying to tell a police officer how to do his job, or trying to tell the auto mechanic how to fix a car. They just are not receptive.

The contract is coming along pretty well. Now at 10:30 p.m. on a Saturday night here comes by email another version with more changes. Think it’ll have to wait until tomorrow, when I was going to work on a different client file, now that I think about it. What do normal people do on the 4th of July?

Quite a fireworks show outside, courtesy of Mother Nature. Been having a major thunderstorm since around 6:00. Hasn’t stopped people all over the neighborhood from shooting firecrackers, bombs and such, though.

We did get outdoors this morning — Becky pulling weeds in the garden and me mowing the yard. Woo-hoo!

Well, partly this article is to see if the blog’s going to actually work, what with all the server issues going on. G’nite!

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