When we got back from Christmas in California the weather here in Kansas was essentially the same as there, temperature in the 50’s. It seemed like winter had bypassed us and sent us straight to spring. One morning last week when I went out for the morning paper the birds were singing merrily and it sounded, felt and even smelled like spring. Last night winter returned with snow and today we were blanketed in the stuff, although the temperature was a balmy 32. It wasn’t going to be warm enough to melt the stuff away, so I had to shovel the driveway. So I reckon we’re having winter, after all. TV news said we got 6 inches, but it was barely 2 inches on our driveway. I think the warmish temperature caused it to sort of melt and condense from 6″ to 2″, as it was very very heavy snow, almost slush.
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Winter 2019
January 12, 2019
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When we got back from Christmas in California the weather here in Kansas was essentially the same as there, temperature in the 50’s. It seemed like winter had bypassed us and sent us straight to spring. One morning last week when I went out for the morning paper the birds were singing merrily and it sounded, felt and even smelled like spring. Last night winter returned with snow and today we were blanketed in the stuff, although the temperature was a balmy 32. It wasn’t going to be warm enough to melt the stuff away, so I had to shovel the driveway. So I reckon we’re having winter, after all. TV news said we got 6 inches, but it was barely 2 inches on our driveway. I think the warmish temperature caused it to sort of melt and condense from 6″ to 2″, as it was very very heavy snow, almost slush.