There was a specific day I could tell summer was over and winter was here, time to think about buying presents, buying tickets, wearing heavy coats, shovelling the driveway, all that. It was about two weeks ago; might’ve been September 1. Seemed early this year.
Always reminds me of that Pogo frame, wait, it’s not a “frame” it’s something else; what’s that word? Dammit, seems like this happens more and more. It’s that word for one “frame” of a comic strip. Ah, “panel”. That Pogo panel with “Spring has sprung, fall has fell, winter’s here, and it’s cold as heck.” Well, I think it was Pogo, anyway.
When I was a kid, I marked time by hours. Later, I began marking it by days. Seems like not that long ago I marked it by weeks. It amazed me how quickly one Thursday came after another (Thursday is trash day – seemed like all I did was take out the garbage cans). Now it seems to go by the year. The incredible part is it seems there’s about the same amount of time between years and there used to be between hours.
<sigh> :perplexed:
Winter’s Here and…
September 13, 2008
Genealogy, General
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There was a specific day I could tell summer was over and winter was here, time to think about buying presents, buying tickets, wearing heavy coats, shovelling the driveway, all that. It was about two weeks ago; might’ve been September 1. Seemed early this year.
Always reminds me of that Pogo frame, wait, it’s not a “frame” it’s something else; what’s that word? Dammit, seems like this happens more and more. It’s that word for one “frame” of a comic strip. Ah, “panel”. That Pogo panel with “Spring has sprung, fall has fell, winter’s here, and it’s cold as heck.” Well, I think it was Pogo, anyway.
When I was a kid, I marked time by hours. Later, I began marking it by days. Seems like not that long ago I marked it by weeks. It amazed me how quickly one Thursday came after another (Thursday is trash day – seemed like all I did was take out the garbage cans). Now it seems to go by the year. The incredible part is it seems there’s about the same amount of time between years and there used to be between hours.
<sigh> :perplexed: