WordPress released its beta version on April 30. After resolving a couple of bugs I took the plunge and uploaded it today. Things seem okay so far. 🙂
If anybody posts an article, they might notice that “save and continue” doesn’t work as expected, and results in a “publish”. The idea with “save and continue” is to enable a preview pane so you could see what your article would look like. This is not a major item for people who would not be adding their own HTML(HyperText Markup Language) tags to their article. Anyhow, if you retrieve the article via the edit page, then “save and continue” works as expected, as does the preview pane.
With this upgrade, when writing an article one can use not only the “quicktags” that are available on the posting screen, but also shorthand codes from “Textile”:http://textism.com/tools/textile/, the “Humane Web Text Generator”. This makes it _very_ easy to have *bold* or -strikethrough- and other text enhancements.
p>. :jesors1:
WordPress Upgrade
May 1, 2004
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WordPress released its beta version on April 30. After resolving a couple of bugs I took the plunge and uploaded it today. Things seem okay so far. 🙂
If anybody posts an article, they might notice that “save and continue” doesn’t work as expected, and results in a “publish”. The idea with “save and continue” is to enable a preview pane so you could see what your article would look like. This is not a major item for people who would not be adding their own HTML(HyperText Markup Language) tags to their article. Anyhow, if you retrieve the article via the edit page, then “save and continue” works as expected, as does the preview pane.
With this upgrade, when writing an article one can use not only the “quicktags” that are available on the posting screen, but also shorthand codes from “Textile”:http://textism.com/tools/textile/, the “Humane Web Text Generator”. This makes it _very_ easy to have *bold* or -strikethrough- and other text enhancements.
p>. :jesors1: