Author: John
Stress Test Images
A friend emailed me a couple of images recently. According to him (probably according to the forwarded email by which he acquired them) they test the level of stress a person can handle. The slower the items move, the better the person’s ability to handle stress. Sociopaths see them spinning around madly. Seniors and kids see them standing still. How that relates to stress, I don’t know. The first time I looked, they were essentially motionless. Tonight, they’re pretty active. If I’m gonna be up this late I ought to be getting some work done instead of blogging, so I probably have a lot of pent-up stress at the moment. Click on the thumbnails below (no, not the smiley) to see the bigger versions. Stress test or not, it’s sorta fun to look at one edge a few moments, then look over to the opposite edge; or go around the corners.
Fall Has Fell
Seems like there just hasn’t been much to write about, even though we’ve been through a heck of an election. Looks like we’re keeping Tweedle-Dum, after all. Those of us who make our living from oil are generally okay with that. I thought he’d lose. Maybe he’ll be better in his second term. Knock on wood.
Cinnamon still looks at you cockeyed. She reminds me of the RCA Victor dog, which is before the time of many people here. She falls over occasionally when distracted or over-excited. Still won’t eat her original Science Diet dry food. I got a bag of “tiny bites” Science Diet, which she’ll eat if soaked with water and topped with some of the canned glop. Changed from Pedigree to Science Diet canned, which has helped immensely with the gas problem.
Pretty much finished the Douglas County Bar Association website. A nice feature is the forum, which uses phpBB. However, I think the lawyers here are techno-phobes. Despite a mass email announcement about the site, hardly any of them have visited it. The forum is something I’d been thinking about for the Chappells site. But I think it would suffer the same fate as the lawyers forum.
Nice weather this weekend, but Becky came down with a cold. I think she’s trying to get it out of the way before Christmas. I was pretty much on the computer all day Saturday, doing various things ranging from finances to clients to website stuff; I didn’t check on plane tickets yet. Today I’m sharing Becky’s cold. I sent a family email about which can be used instead of which still works, as well. I thought it would work for email, too, but apparently not, as the one I sent to failed.
Mystery Relatives
May 3, 2009
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I recently sent the famly an invite to look at some picasaweb photos I’d uploaded, and the result was general confusion. The subjects in the photos were relatives on Becky’s side. Becky has two brothers, Mike and Jeff, and two sisters, Judy and Sherri. They all have kids. Mike’s kids are Jennifer and Eric. Eric is married and has at least one kid. Jeff’s kids are, um, well, I’ll have to ask Becky. Judy’s kids are, um, I’ll have to ask Becky about that, too. At least one of Judy’s kids has kids, and those were Joseph and Elsie who were in some of the uploaded photos. Sherri’s kids are Cassie and Katy and Katrina, I think. Since I can’t even remember all of them, it’s not surprising some other Chappells wouldn’t remember any of them at all.
Maybe I’ll update the Ancestry page with more of Becky’s side of the famly. I’m always a little hesitant, though, about putting genealogy info about living persons, especially kids, on the internet. On the other hand, sending the info around in email doesn’t really stick. Emails are either not saved, or else saved and forgotten. It’s a challenge.